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Do you want your security team to reprioritize threats and focus their capabilities on critical attacks? Adrien Brochot, Product Manager and Marion Guthmuller, Engineering Manager, demonstrate the multiple ways you can leverage QFlow - our easy to use and intuitive, malware detection and analysis platform. With the help of practical demos, learn how your SOC can easily:
- Detect malware and other threats quickly,
- Maintain adequate security and privacy with respect to sensitive data,
- Sanitize infected documents,
- Analyze threats further safely,
- Manage multiple accounts, teams, and users.

(The video is currently available in English.)

Malware detection

QFlow is an automated file analysis platform that identifies suspicious files to detect malware. Built using modern container orchestration and automation technologies, the platform includes multiple analysis engines with the ability to build on further and deploy custom detection methods and workflows. It is the ideal toolbox for security teams and MSSPs to automate workloads, improve threat detection and speed up file analysis for quicker resolutions to threats.

(The video is currently available in English.)

Malware detection

Énergie, défense, banque, industrie…quel est le point commun ? Une simple clé USB peut tout paralyser ! Recyclage et réseaux cloisonnés au programme de notre FIC Talk. Nous vous montrons comment améliorer votre défense contre les malware tout en recyclant des objets que vous possédez déjà tels que de vieux PC. L’idée étant de transformer vos vieilles machines en stations blanches à l’aide d’une plateforme souveraine d’analyse des malwares. Présenté par Fred Raynal (CEO et Fondateur de Quarkslab).

(La vidéo est actuellement disponible en Français.)

Malware detection

Are you looking to deploy effective malware detection and analysis capabilities for your security team? Watch our on-demand webinar to discover real scenarios and leverage the experience of your peers to learn how to:
- reprioritize alerts and threats,
- optimize defense against a range of threats,
- get maximum out of your current security tools,
- complement incident response and recovery efforts.

(The video is currently available in English.)

Malware detection

Quarks In The Shell 2022, la conférence annuelle de Quarkslab vous propose deux présentations :
- Une analyse sécurité sur mesure made in Quarkslab Cette session vous présente la plateforme d’analyse de fichiers QFlow, les défis associés et les solutions mises en œuvres à travers son architecture et ses fonctionnalités.
- Simplifier le monde complexe de l’analyse sécurité Comment se confronter à la diversité de techniques et de topics composant le monde de la sécurité de l’information, en abaissant la nécessaire corrélation entre bagage technique et capacité analytique, de la conteneurisation jusqu’à la sérialisation.

(La vidéo est actuellement disponible en Français.)

Malware detection


Intellectual property attests that an entity has created innovation. It allows the company that created the innovation to take ownership of it and to prove who it belongs to. Thus, intellectual property provides an opportunity for companies to gain a competitive advantage and leverage their innovation as a source of revenue. It is a valuable asset for a company that need to be protected.

(The video is currently available in English.)

IP Protection

Tous les logiciels sont confrontés à un risque de contrefaçon et de vol de propriété intellectuelle. Le droit d’auteur permet aux développeurs ou aux entrepreneurs de protéger leurs créations numériques distribuées sur le marché. Mais, les actions en justice peuvent être très coûteuses et extrêmement longues. C'est pour cela que la protection du logiciel avec des moyens techniques permet de réduire considérablement ces risques et d’apporter une assurance supplémentaire aux développeurs. Dans ce webinar, nous expliquerons comment l’approche technique permet de complémenter la protection juridique des logiciels mise en place par les entreprises.

(La vidéo est actuellement en français.)

IP Protection

IoT Security is at the centre of the cybersecurity in 2022 and especially the debate between security by design and re-securing already deployed devices. We continue to advise on the integration of security ideally from the design phase but what about securing devices that have already been deployed ?

(The video is currently available in English.)

IoT Security

In the last decade, payments made from a mobile device have been multiplied by x10. However, the solutions for merchants to receive these types of payments have not followed the same rate. Why? Simply because mobile payment represents a technical challenge, especially in terms of security. Indeed, smartphones are not all built with security in mind. Their versatility poses a higher risk as more features and functionalities mean more possibilities for a vulnerability to appear and be exploited.

(The video is currently available in English.)


Payment systems have drastically evolved over the years, incorporating new technologies to provide better user experience and facilitate transactions. The arrival of these technologies has introduced new risks and threats, particularly with the development of payments from mobile platforms. Watch our 30 minutes webinar to learn more about : Regulations and industry standards, Technologies used to secure mobile payment applications.

(The video is currently available in English.)


PCI CPoC released in 2019 gave payment solutions vendors a framework to develop secure Soft POS applications on mobile platforms for contactless payments. Watch our 30 minutes webinar to learn more about: the PCI CPoc standard, how to achieve PCI CPoC compliance in a timely fashion.

(The video is currently available in English.)


Quarks In The Shell 2022, la conférence annuelle de Quarkslab vous propose deux présentations :
- Merci de décliner votre identité ! Attestation à distance pour mobile & IoT : présenté par Adrien Guinet : Est-ce que mon serveur communique toujours avec les applications et périphériques que j’ai déployés ?
- Le CYberSc0re®™© des applications, la méthode Quarkslab : présenté par Adrien Guinet & Benoit Ferault : À quel point mon application est-elle protégée avec la solution Quarks AppShield ?

(La vidéo est actuellement disponible en Français.)


Quarks In The Shell 2022, Quarkslab's annual conference, features two presentations:
In modern smartphones, vendors tend to rely on dedicated chips to improve the security of their devices. In 2018, Google introduced the Titan M chip in their Pixels, claiming it would make them their most secure smartphones ever. In this talk, we will demonstrate how we studied this component starting from the limited information available and how we discover its role in the Android security model as well as its internals. We will share the story of how we ended up executing code on the chip and how this architecture indeed protected the device from a full compromise.

(The video is currently available in English.)

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