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External Assets Discovery

It is often difficult for a company to encompass the full set of IP address, virtual hosts, domains and sub-domains that are made accessible on Internet, in particular for big company with many teams managing IT. You wish to get back the control on your assets available on Internet?

Talk to our experts

Main challenges

There are many challenges to overcome when willing to ensure an exhaustive list of assets published on Internet or in the Cloud:
  • maintain up-to-date documentation including the list of servers published on the Internet whether on the DMZ or through Cloud services
  • identify all assets and ensure that only the necessary services are accessible form the Internet
  • check that test, development or preproduction servers are not accessible
  • control new assets during a merger or acquisition
  • ensure that the various IT teams collaborate in order to limit configuration errors (eg firewall rules) which could lead to possible access to resources from the Internet

Our solutions

A robust offer allowing you to find most of your assets published on the Internet:
  • a methodology using many techniques (whois, ASN, search engines, favicon, etc.) to find assets published on the Internet
  • search for exhaustivity by using many external services (virustotal, censys, crtsh, shodan, etc.)
  • specific dictionaries creation based on an iteration of the identified domain names
  • a service that can be offered continuously to alert on new assets detected over time


Ready to secure
your assets?

To access the main works
realized by our teams